To contribute to a violence-free society by developing and promoting programs that work with violent men and boys, to help them stop their violent behaviors.
We aim
Based on the commitment to build a violence-free society, we also aim to develop and promote programs for working with young people to help them stop their violent behaviors and raise awareness about causes against this phenomenon, including the creation of safe and supportive environments for youth, and providing training for anger management.
Our mission is to support, to protect and to promote human rights in the Republic of Albania, regardless of race, ethnicity, language, political, religious and philosophical beliefs, economic, education and social condition and for any other reason of discrimination.
Some of our featured articles
📢 Trajnimi për Punën me Autorët e Dhunës Seksuale
🔷️Rrjeti Shqiptar i Punës me Dhunuesit (AN WWP) organizoi pjesën e parë të trajnimit të…
Where does the work with perpetrators consists?
Individual Consultation
The counselor offers individual counseling sessions to help violent men explore the root causes of their behavior, develop awareness of their actions, and learn healthy coping mechanisms.
This includes carefully addressing issues such as anger management, impulse control, substance abuse, and working with psycho-emotional trauma.
Group Consultation
In addition to individual sessions, the counselor offers group counseling therapy for violent men.
Group counseling provides a supportive environment for violent men to share their experiences, learn from each other, and practice new skills in a social setting.
Our Team
Board Members and Executive Directors
Vasmir Bogdani
Executive Director
Iris Luarasi
Board of Directors's President
Bledar Zeneli
Board of Directors
Endrit Uligaj
Board of Directors
Trendelina Boriçi
Board of Directors
Elira Jorgoni
Board of Directors